
Conferencia: Protocolos de enrutamiento en Redes acústicas submarinas

José Luis Lira Turriza || 2 de Octubre de 2014 || Auditorio ITESCAM || Inicia: 09:00 - 11:00 || Expirado || 2099

Dr. Gimer A. Cervera Evia

Presor Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

Formación Académica
  • Doctorado en Ciencias Computacionales (PH.D.) Junio, 2012 Carleton University Ottawa ON., Canadá
Tesis: “Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in link state mobile ad hoc networks”.
  • Maestría en Ciencias en Tecnología Informatica (MCT) Mayo, 2004
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Monterrey, N.L., M   exico  
Tesis: “Analisis de migración de datos para acceso a una biblioteca digital a través de  dispositivos moviles”.  
• Licenciatura en Ciencias Computacionales (LCC) Diciembre, 2000. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán (UADY), Facultad de Matemáticas Mérida, Yuc., México  Monografía:“Universidad Virtual: redes de alta velocidad - multimedia”.
Experiencia Profesional
• Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana Mérida, Yuc.  Profesor de tiempo completo asociado C. 2005 – Presente Coordinador de la Ing. en Tecnolog ıas de la Informacion.  
• H. Ayuntamiento de Merida. Mérida, Yuc.  Desarrollo de software, Direccion de Contabilidad y Finanzas. 2001 – 2002  Coordinador del Depto. de Informatica (DIF Municipal).  
• Plenumsoft Merida, Yuc.  Dessarollo de Software, Programador Jr.-25 2000–2001. Reconocimientos y Proyectos
• PROMEP - Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado, SEP Merida, Mex.  Apoyo a la reincorporacion de exbecario PROMEP, 2013. Septiembr, 2013  
Perfil deseable en renovacion.  
• Estancia post-Doctoral Ottawa, Canada. Estancia post-Doctoral. Universidad de Carleton. Dic. 2013 - Mar. 2014. Undewater Sensor Networks, Canadian Department of National Defence.
Idiomas: Espanol (lengua materna), Inglés (nivel avanzado) y Francés (nivel avanzado).  
Areas de interes:   Seguridad, computo m   ovil, redes ad-hoc m   oviles (MANETs), protocolos de ruteo, OLSR.  
Software: Java (J2ME y J2SE), C++, LATEX, C#, Ubuntu, Network simulator 2 (NS2) y NS3.Publicaciones
Art ıculos aceptados:
• Simulation of Underwater Sensor Networks with Mobility.
M. Barbeau, S. Blouin, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. The 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) 2014, 21-26 September, Montreal, Canada. Conference Paper (en revision).  
• The bidirectional algorithm for channel selection using a two-radio model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 14-17 September
2014, Vancouver, Canada. Conference Paper.
• Revisiting the performance of the modular clock algorithm for distributed blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 13th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless 2014,
Benidorm, Spain, 22-27 June. Conference Paper.
• A new analysis of the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm under the asymmetric model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia,
10-14 June 2014. Conference Paper.
Artículos publicados:
• QoS and security in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-6, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, DOI: 10.1109/WD.2013.6686442, ISSN: 2156-9711. Conference Paper. ˜
• A new analytic model for the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-3, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, 10.1109/WD.2013.6686443, ISSN: 2156-9711. Poster. ˜
• A multipath routing strategy to prevent flooding disruption attacks in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 2, March 2013,
Pages 744-755, ISSN: 1084-8045, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2012.12.013, Journal Paper.
• Security issues in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Chapter in Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications, pp 117-148. E.
Kranakis, ed., Springer Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 18, 2013, XVI, 409 pp. ISSN: 1612-3956, ISBN 978-3-642-30903-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30904-5. Book Chapter 2012
• Preventing the cluster formation attack against the hierarchical OLSR protocol.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS), Paris, France, May 12-13, 2011. Springer LNCS. Conference paper. Lecture notes in computer science, January 2012, Vol.
6888, no.1, pages 118-131. Conference Paper 2011
• Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in HOLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 9th Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), pages 167-174, DOI: 10.1109/CNSR.2011.32. Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2-5, 2011. Conference Paper.
• Mitigation of topology control attacks in OLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 5th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRISIS), IEEE, Jean-Marc Robert, ed., Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2010. Vol. 1, pages 81-8


Formación Académica
• Doctorado en Ciencias Computacionales (PH.D.) Junio, 2012 Carleton University Ottawa ON., Canadá
Tesis: “Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in link state mobile ad hoc networks”.
• Maestría en Ciencias en Tecnología Informatica (MCT) Mayo, 2004
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Monterrey, N.L., M   exico  
Tesis: “Analisis de migración de datos para acceso a una biblioteca digital a través de  
dispositivos moviles”.  
• Licenciatura en Ciencias Computacionales (LCC) Diciembre, 2000
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán (UADY), Facultad de Matemáticas Mérida, Yuc., México  
Monograf ıa:“Universidad Virtual: redes de alta velocidad - multimedia”.
Experiencia Profesional
• Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana Mérida, Yuc.  
Profesor de tiempo completo asociado C. 2005 – Presente
Coordinador de la Ing. en Tecnolog ıas de la Informacion.  
• H. Ayuntamiento de Merida. M   erida, Yuc.  
Desarrollo de software, Direccion de Contabilidad y Finanzas. 2001 – 2002  
Coordinador del Depto. de Informatica (DIF Municipal).  
• Plenumsoft Merida, Yuc.  
Dessarollo de Software, Programador Jr.-25 2000–2001
Reconocimientos y Proyectos
• PROMEP - Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado, SEP Merida, Mex.  
Apoyo a la reincorporacion de exbecario PROMEP, 2013. Septiembr, 2013  
Perfil deseable en renovacion.  
• Estancia post-Doctoral Ottawa, Canada 
Estancia post-Doctoral. Universidad de Carleton. Dic. 2013 - Mar. 2014
Undewater Sensor Networks, Canadian Department of National Defence.
Datos Personales y Habilidades
Datos Personales: Soltero, 35 anos (01-Junio-1978). ˜
Idiomas: Espanol (lengua materna), Ingl ˜ es (nivel avanzado) y Franc   es (nivel avanzado).  
Areas de interes:   Seguridad, computo m   ovil, redes ad-hoc m   oviles (MANETs), protocolos de ruteo, OLSR.  
Software: Java (J2ME y J2SE), C++, LATEX, C#, Ubuntu, Network simulator 2 (NS2) y NS3.Publicaciones
Art ıculos aceptados:
• Simulation of Underwater Sensor Networks with Mobility.
M. Barbeau, S. Blouin, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. The 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) 2014, 21-26 September, Montreal, Canada. Conference Paper (en revision).  
• The bidirectional algorithm for channel selection using a two-radio model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 14-17 September
2014, Vancouver, Canada. Conference Paper.
• Revisiting the performance of the modular clock algorithm for distributed blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 13th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless 2014,
Benidorm, Spain, 22-27 June. Conference Paper.
• A new analysis of the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm under the asymmetric model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia,
10-14 June 2014. Conference Paper.
Artículos publicados:
• QoS and security in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-6, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, DOI: 10.1109/WD.2013.6686442, ISSN: 2156-9711. Conference Paper. ˜
• A new analytic model for the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-3, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, 10.1109/WD.2013.6686443, ISSN: 2156-9711. Poster. ˜
• A multipath routing strategy to prevent flooding disruption attacks in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 2, March 2013,
Pages 744-755, ISSN: 1084-8045, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2012.12.013, Journal Paper.
• Security issues in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Chapter in Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications, pp 117-148. E.
Kranakis, ed., Springer Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 18, 2013, XVI, 409 pp. ISSN: 1612-3956, ISBN 978-3-642-30903-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30904-5. Book Chapter 2012
• Preventing the cluster formation attack against the hierarchical OLSR protocol.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS), Paris, France, May 12-13, 2011. Springer LNCS. Conference paper. Lecture notes in computer science, January 2012, Vol.
6888, no.1, pages 118-131. Conference Paper 2011
• Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in HOLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 9th Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), pages 167-174, DOI: 10.1109/CNSR.2011.32. Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2-5, 2011. Conference Paper.
• Mitigation of topology control attacks in OLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 5th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRISIS), IEEE, Jean-Marc Robert, ed., Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2010. Vol. 1, pages 81-8
Formación Académica
• Doctorado en Ciencias Computacionales (PH.D.) Junio, 2012 Carleton University Ottawa ON., Canadá
Tesis: “Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in link state mobile ad hoc networks”.
• Maestría en Ciencias en Tecnología Informatica (MCT) Mayo, 2004
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Monterrey, N.L., M   exico  
Tesis: “Analisis de migración de datos para acceso a una biblioteca digital a través de  
dispositivos moviles”.  
• Licenciatura en Ciencias Computacionales (LCC) Diciembre, 2000
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán (UADY), Facultad de Matemáticas Mérida, Yuc., México  
Monograf ıa:“Universidad Virtual: redes de alta velocidad - multimedia”.
Experiencia Profesional
• Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana Mérida, Yuc.  
Profesor de tiempo completo asociado C. 2005 – Presente
Coordinador de la Ing. en Tecnolog ıas de la Informacion.  
• H. Ayuntamiento de Merida. M   erida, Yuc.  
Desarrollo de software, Direccion de Contabilidad y Finanzas. 2001 – 2002  
Coordinador del Depto. de Informatica (DIF Municipal).  
• Plenumsoft Merida, Yuc.  
Dessarollo de Software, Programador Jr.-25 2000–2001
Reconocimientos y Proyectos
• PROMEP - Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado, SEP Merida, Mex.  
Apoyo a la reincorporacion de exbecario PROMEP, 2013. Septiembr, 2013  
Perfil deseable en renovacion.  
• Estancia post-Doctoral Ottawa, Canada 
Estancia post-Doctoral. Universidad de Carleton. Dic. 2013 - Mar. 2014
Undewater Sensor Networks, Canadian Department of National Defence.
Datos Personales y Habilidades
Datos Personales: Soltero, 35 anos (01-Junio-1978). ˜
Idiomas: Espanol (lengua materna), Ingl ˜ es (nivel avanzado) y Franc   es (nivel avanzado).  
Areas de interes:   Seguridad, computo m   ovil, redes ad-hoc m   oviles (MANETs), protocolos de ruteo, OLSR.  
Software: Java (J2ME y J2SE), C++, LATEX, C#, Ubuntu, Network simulator 2 (NS2) y NS3.Publicaciones
Art ıculos aceptados:
• Simulation of Underwater Sensor Networks with Mobility.
M. Barbeau, S. Blouin, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. The 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) 2014, 21-26 September, Montreal, Canada. Conference Paper (en revision).  
• The bidirectional algorithm for channel selection using a two-radio model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 14-17 September
2014, Vancouver, Canada. Conference Paper.
• Revisiting the performance of the modular clock algorithm for distributed blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 13th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless 2014,
Benidorm, Spain, 22-27 June. Conference Paper.
• A new analysis of the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm under the asymmetric model.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia,
10-14 June 2014. Conference Paper.
Artículos publicados:
• QoS and security in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-6, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, DOI: 10.1109/WD.2013.6686442, ISSN: 2156-9711. Conference Paper. ˜
• A new analytic model for the cognitive radio jump-stay algorithm.
M. Barbeau, G. Cervera, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 6th Wireless Days (WD) 2013, IFIP, pp. 1-3, 13-15 November 2013 Valencia,
Espana. http://www.wireless-days.org, 10.1109/WD.2013.6686443, ISSN: 2156-9711. Poster. ˜
• A multipath routing strategy to prevent flooding disruption attacks in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 2, March 2013,
Pages 744-755, ISSN: 1084-8045, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2012.12.013, Journal Paper.
• Security issues in link state routing protocols for MANETs.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. Chapter in Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications, pp 117-148. E.
Kranakis, ed., Springer Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 18, 2013, XVI, 409 pp. ISSN: 1612-3956, ISBN 978-3-642-30903-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30904-5. Book Chapter 2012
• Preventing the cluster formation attack against the hierarchical OLSR protocol.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS), Paris, France, May 12-13, 2011. Springer LNCS. Conference paper. Lecture notes in computer science, January 2012, Vol.
6888, no.1, pages 118-131. Conference Paper 2011
• Mitigation of flooding disruption attacks in HOLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 9th Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), pages 167-174, DOI: 10.1109/CNSR.2011.32. Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2-5, 2011. Conference Paper.
• Mitigation of topology control attacks in OLSR networks.
G. Cervera, M. Barbeau, J. Garcia-Alfaro and E. Kranakis. In 5th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRISIS), IEEE, Jean-Marc Robert, ed., Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2010. Vol. 1, pages 81-8